
my image on Asia Diver

這張是小妹10月份 (issue 2, No104) Asia Diver雜誌內的照片,跟大家分享!

Watching my Next Move!

I stunned the fish for some reason and it kept its pose for 10 seconds,making it easy for me to fire off a good number of shots.It was interesting how a very human expression of shock and apprehensive was captured on this fish.
D200,Nikkor 105mmvr,1/80,f14,iso100.

fish face

Jenny's slideshow

我的Bail tulamben 照片已經出爐 (後續尚有,會慢慢po),歡迎與謝謝觀賞!
my slidwshow link

colorful tail

這次回到tulamben tauch terminal resort待了十一天,潛水九天,很像是回家般的感覺,只跟Wayan潛,一天兩支,剩下時間就是看書,晒太陽以及吃水果,當地人親切熟悉的問候,像是暖暖的太陽般,讓人身心舒暢,也許是因為放空腦袋,水底更能用心去觀察生物的動作,自然藝術的渾然天成,還有我該如何去表達等等.....拍了一些跟以前感覺不ㄧ樣的小品。